10 Style Tips for Gentlemen
Ten Men Style Tips
1. Match your Belt, Shoes, and watch color. You may have heard the golden rule of matching your belt and shoe color, but the same rule applies to your watch band!

2. Know how to dress for the occasion. What events require you to wear a tie or not?

3. Do not wear a black undershirt or one with lettering when wearing a white button-up. White is preferred, but a light gray could also suffice.

4. It's always nice to own a pair of brown and black dress shoes to match any professional outfit.

5. Do not over or under style your hair for nice occasions. Keeping your hair nice and simple will be perfect!

6. Shave for a professional night out! Unless you have cleaned up, trimmed, and professional facial hair then make sure to have a clean shave. If going to an interview, clean shaven is always better and gives off a more professional appearance!

7. It's better to dress nicer than everyone than more casual! Always dress better when in doubt!

8. Keep it your tie simple, yet professional! Black, gray, or navy blue ties will always fit any occasion. You do not need patterns on your tie to impress anyone, let your entire outfit shock them instead!

9.Upgrade your casual dress! Instead of wearing basketball shorts, sweatshirts, or an old worn-out pair of sneakers to casual events, try wearing nice jeans or khaki shorts with a nice buttoned shirt.

10.Make sure to iron your clothes! No one wants to be seen in wrinkled khakis or a dress shirt. If you want to look clean, presentable, and professional, then get out that ironing board!