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5 Tips to Start the New Year off Right

1. Make a list of goals you want to accomplish this year.

Making a list of goals will give you motivation to do better in the New Year! The trick is, you ACTUALLY need to accomplish them. If you don’t work toward your goals, you might end up feeling like you failed.

2. Surround yourself with people that will make you BETTER.

Surrounding yourself with people that will make you better will give you accountability to better yourself. If you are around people that are negative or bring you down, you aren't going to succeed.

3. Identify things that will better yourself.

Find things about yourself that you want to improve. Work on having a better attitude, work on getting better grades, and work on managing your time wisely. Find things that will make school, work, or life in general more enjoyable.

4. Don’t take the little things for granted.

Appreciate all the things you have in your life. Be present when spending time with your family or friends, tell your teachers you appreciate everything they do, and say hello to strangers. You never know when someone will make your say, so say “hello” and make theirs.

5. Find things that will make you happy.

As the year starts, you should work harder, try harder, and just do your best! Those things are great and will work towards a great future, but you need to make sure you don’t stress yourself out. Go run or exercise, paint or draw, or just simple hangout with your friends and watch TV. Find things that won’t stress you out!

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