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Volunteering for Indiana HOSA

Click Here to Learn More about Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

Volunteering with Indiana HOSA is the best way to see how this outstanding organization is run! We are always in need of helping hands around headquarters, especially during conference time! Want to be a part of the behind the scenes "magic" of a conference? Volunteer!

There is no better way to give back to HOSA than through volunteering your time and talent. Volunteers can come in the form of members, alumni, advisors, and health professionals. Indiana HOSA is constantly trying to improve so there is always work to be done, and we would love to come see you help out!


If you are interested in any of the following, please click the here!

Health Professional Interested in Investing in Indiana HOSA

Making the decision to pursue medicine is big step for many high school students. It means lengthening the number of years of postsecondary education from 4 to sometimes as high as 18 or 20. Becoming involved in HOSA as early as middle and high school has been the first big step in this commitment for millions of students across the nation! HOSA offers countless opportunities for its members to begin to develop into the healthcare professionals they desire to be like in the future healthcare professionals just like you!


Invest your Time

Each year contests at the Indiana HOSA State Leadership Conference are in need of judges and volunteers to help make our conference a success.  This is a great opportunity to see first hand what the students have learned in the classroom and then demonstrate during the competition. Click here to find out more!


Extend your Awareness

Whether it is exhibiting at a conference, placing an ad in a conference program or advertising in the Indiana HOSA's own magazine, "The Pulse", we have many ways for you to extend your awareness to HOSA members and advisors. Click here to find out more!

Get Involved at our State Leadership Conference

Interested in presenting unique careers or ideas to Hoosier students?

If you're interested in teaching students about health care then sign up to host an educational symposium at the Indiana HOSA Annual State Leadership Conference by filling out and submitting this form.


Interested in presenting your organization to students, teachers and current health professionals?

If so, fill out this form and become an exhibitor at this year's Annual State Leadership Conference.

Teachers Interested in Indiana HOSA

The population of healthcare science teachers involved in HOSA is more than 185 strong. So many teachers involve themselves in HOSA because of how rewarding it is to be an advisor and how much easier it makes their job as an instructor. Becoming a HOSA advisor initiates a lasting bond between student and teacher as both work toward a common chapter goal.


Ideas and resources are constantly being shared amongst teachers, and add to the benefits of becoming a HOSA advisor. These resources have passed the test of time and effectiveness as they engage students and create a more interactive classroom. Some of these resources can be found here, while others can be discovered from the over 185 healthcare science teachers that are taking this CTSO by storm!

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